Library of Social Science brings together in a single place significant papers and essays—and distributes these works of scholarship widely. A contribution disseminated through our Newsletter attains a more substantial readership in a day than most journal articles receive in a lifetime. A characteristic of the Web is the visual dimension. I was shocked when I explored photos that Orion had curated. Putting authors’ pictures together with their writings, I felt I knew them in a different (deeper) way. If you look at the photos below—then click through to read the authors' writing—you’ll see what I mean. —Richard Koenigsberg
Michael Vlahos

Rites of Spring
Kelly Denton-Borhaug Review of War and the
American Difference
Alexander Chirila
Creating the Idealized Nemesis
Michael Geyer
The Nazi-Soviet War as a System of Violence
Myra Mendible Post-Vietnam Syndrome Murray Schwartz  
Review of A Century
of Genocide
Pingchao Zhu
Mao’s Martyrs
Walter Skya Culture of Death:
Japanese Nationalism
Scott Atran
The Devoted Actor
Uriel Abulof

The Liberal Uncanny
Geoffrey Cocks The Body Politic Brian Crim
Review of SS Thinking
and the Holocaust
Sam Cox

Review of Nations Have
the Right to Kill
Yael Feldman Dying for the Motherland Emilio Gentile
A Never-Never Religion
Liah Greenfeld Review of Metaphor, Nation and the Holocaust Roger Griffin The Meaning of ‘Sacrifice’ Nicoletta Gullace
White Feathers and
Wounded Men
Adam Henry The Nation-State,
Killing and Death
Jeffrey Herf The Jewish Enemy James Jones
Why Does Religion
Turn Violent?
Paul Kahn
Political Evil
Akio Kimura
Mishima’s Negative
Political Theology
Alan Kramer Dynamic of Destruction
Renee Lockwood
Sacrifice and the Creation
of Group of Identity
Carolyn Marvin
Blood Sacrifice and
the Nation
Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet
War and National Renewal
Gerald V. O'Brien Metaphors of Immigrants Meghan O’Donnell
Death, Sacrifice and Ruin
in Third Reich Germany
Panayiotis Demopoulos
Suicide Music and the
National Self
David Redles Dietrich Eckart & the Religious Origins of the Holocaust Michael Roberts Nationalism & the Ideology of Sacrificial Death Rana Salimi
Review of Awaiting the Heavenly Country
Elaine Scarry
The Body in Pain
Jonna Scutts
Review of Dynamic
of Destruction
Ruth Stein Fundamentalism, Father
and Son, & Vertical Desire
Ivan Strenski
How to Think About
Suicide Bombers
Mikkel Thorup
Total Enemies
Brian Victoria

Holy War